Francis Burger
b.1986, Durban
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Francis Burger is an artist and facilitator based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Interested in co-creative learning and making, Francis works across media and processes from facilitation and creative mapping to publication and web design, printmaking and pottery. 

Francis has been making work with edition ~ verso for many years, some of these works remain in the print drawers only to be pulled out and appreciated, re-organised and thought through sporadically and with fondness.

Notes from Francis on an ongoing practice with me, the press and the edition ~ verso studio:

Patterns, and line. Dots. Graphic explorations. Moving and shifting pieces of things. Arranging and rearranging.
Patterns pulled from memory and dreams of carpets, couches, curtains. From a book and a box of offcuts. From my mother and from hers.
The kind of curls and curves that string makes possible. Knots, tangles. Grids, webs, nets. Intergenerational sadness. Worms.
Flowering criss-crossing points of connection, roots and root hairs. Bugs. Birds in the big messy tree. Tying things together.
Paper, waxy markers. Sticky oily ink that smells like changing a tyre. The static hiss of the rubber roller goosebumping across the plate. Arms. A curtain of hair. A handful of small round tomatoes. A gooseberry.
Zooming in. Being able to be sensitive, careful, prickly. Being friends. Getting lost. Finding a snail trail.

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